Corns and Calluses
 Definition: These
are areas of hard, dense skin. Calluses are wider and flatter
and found on the soles of the feet. Corns are smaller and usually
found on the tops of toes, or between them.
Cause: Too much pressure upon the skin causes Corns
and calluses. The skin's response to this pressure is to grow
thick and hard, creating the corn. Most corns are seen on the
tops of contracted, hammered toes or frequently between toes.
Here the knuckle is causing too much pressure, or sometimes,
a spur between the toes projects out and creates the corn.
Treatment: There are a number of treatment options.
Trimming the corn or callus and applying a felt or moleskin pad
will give temporary relief. Purchasing wider shoes to decrease
the pressure will help. An orthotic support with a depression
to relieve the pressure on the ball of the foot will help a callus.
Corns can be eliminated permanently if the toe is straightened
and the pressure from the bone beneath the corn is eliminated.
Definition: Toes that are contracted are called
Cause: Toes are meant to be straight. However,
with time and wearing of shoes that are frequently too tight,
toes can become contracted so that the knuckles become very prominent.
These are painful in themselves or can cause painful corns and
occasionally ulcers that cause even more pain.
Treatment: Buying wider shoes can relieve pressure
and make the toes more comfortable. Hammertoes can be corrected
with a minor procedure to straighten the toes.
Definition: These are small, hard painful areas
of skin, usually found on the balls of the feet, but can be anywhere
on the skin of the feet. They may be solitary or found in clusters,
called "mosaic warts".
Cause: This is a viral infection of the outer layout
of the skin and they are quite contagious. If picked at, they
can be easily spread to your hands, friends or family.
Treatment: There are many treatments for warts,
but they are usually grouped as topical or surgical. Topical
treatments include application of acid preparations or freezing
the wart. Warts on the bottoms of the feet are often best treated
by removal under local anesthesia and cauterizing the bases of
the wart so that the viruses are killed. There is usually little
discomfort with this procedure and patients are able to walk
immediately afterwards.
Heel and Arch Pain
Definition: Pain in the bottoms of the heels,
extending into the arch is most often defined as "plantar
fasciitis", inflammation of the plantar fascia ligament,
which runs from the ball of the foot to the heel.
Cause: Think of the arch being like a bow and this
ligament being like a bowstring. When the foot bears weight,
the arch elongates and puts tremendous tension on the ligament.
The ligament pulls off on the bottom of the heel and this causes
the pain. This can also cause heel spurs. The spurs, by themselves,
are frequently not the cause of the pain, but are often more
a result of the pulling of the ligament. Pain is frequently seen
in people whose feet pronate, or flatten out, too much.
Treatment: The good news is that surgery is rarely
necessary. These conditions are most successfully treated with
orthotic supports that prevent the foot from pronating. These
supports are easily transferred from shoe to shoe. Occasionally
a cortisone injection is beneficial to relieve acute symptoms.
If a spur is present, occasionally it may require surgical removal.
Heel Pain in Children
Definition: This is frequently referred to as
"Sever's Disease" or "Calcaneal Appophysitis".
This is an inflammation of the growth plate at the back of heels.
Cause: A boney growth
plate is present at the back of the heels between the ages of
8 to 14. It is attached by soft cartilage to the main portion
of the heel. The Achilles tendon inserts into the back of it,
coming from the calf muscle, and a strong ligament inserts into
it from the bottom. Pulling of these structures on the growth
plate causes pain and inflammation. This is especially true in
people whose feet pronate (arches flatten out) excessively. Common
sports associated with this condition include tennis, soccer,
football, basketball, baseball, and skateboarding.
Treatment: Stretching the Achilles tendon prior
to running and wearing a cushioned heel lift can help prevent
this condition. Sever's disease usually responds very nicely
to an orthotic support to control the pronation and cushion the
Ingrown Toenails
Definition: An ingrown nail is present when the
side of the nail curves down into the flesh and causes pain,
and frequently infection.
Cause: Ingrown nails often run in families or can
be the result of an injury to the root cells at the base of the
nail. Nail fungal infections make the nails more thick and curved
and can also contribute to this condition.
Treatment: These can be treated temporarily or
permanently. A wedge of nail can be removed from the ingrown
portion to relieve the pressure and this usually makes the toe
comfortable for a few months. However the ingrown nail frequently
returns. For permanent relief, the toe is anesthetized with local
anesthesia. The ingrown portion of the nail is removed, leaving
the top, flat part alone. Once the root cells are exposed, they
are cauterized with a chemical so that the ingrown part will
no longer grow back. People are usually able to return to normal
activities immediately.
Definition: Bunions are a boney bump on the first
metatarsal bone, at the base of the big toe.
Cause: This portion of the foot bone becomes prominent
when the first metatarsal and big toe shift out of alignment,
most often as a result of tight shoes or excessive pronation.
Treatment: Purchasing wide shoes can relieve pressure
on the bump. Bunions can be corrected with a minor surgical procedure
where the bump is removed and the bones are shifted back into
alignment. This is done on an outpatient basis and usually people
are able to walk on the foot that day and return to an athletic
shoe within a few weeks.
Diabetic Foot Problems
Definition: Diabetes is a medical condition that
effects many areas of the body including the feet, eyes, kidneys,
nerves and arteries. Some of the more dangerous problems involve
the feet. Problems that might be considered minor in non-diabetics,
like thick nails, corns or callouses, are dangerous with diabetics.
Some diabetics lose sensation in their feet so they can't feel
if they have a problem. Diabetics are more prone to infections
and ulcerations (forming holes through the skin). How significant
is this? Approximately 86,000 amputations are performed each
year on diabetics in the United States (American Public Health
Association). Comprehensive podiatric care and good control of
the diabetes is the best treatment for prevention of diabetic
foot problems.
Cause: Diabetes causes heightened levels of sugar
in the blood which goes on to effects many areas and tissues
of the body. Nerves begin to lose their function, beginning in
the toe tips. The arteries can become occluded so that inadequate
blood flow to the feet. Skin becomes dry, cracked and brittle.
Corns, calluses and ingrown nails that put pressure on the skin
can go on to cause infection and ulceration.
Treatment: Regular foot care is essential for prevention
of diabetic complications, including testing for loss of sensation
and ongoing education for home care. Debridement of corns, calluses,
ingrown nails that could cause skin breakdown at regular intervals
is essential. A prescription for protective shoes is given if
The Medicare Therapeutic
Shoe Program: Medicare
will provide a pair of therapeutic shoes and protective innersoles
each year to qualified diabetic patients.
Pain in the Ball of the
Definition: Pain in the ball of the foot is caused
by excessive pressure on the bones, joints and adjacent nerves.
Pain in the joints is usually considered "capsulitis"
or inflammation of the ligamentous capsule surrounding the joint.
The nerves running between the bones near the base of the toes
can be pinched, inflamed and enlarged to become what is called
a "neuroma".
Cause: Metatarsal bones that are too long, too
low or out of alignment, cause abnormal pressure at specific
locations at the balls of the feet. Additional stress is caused
by abnormal foot function excess pronation (flattening
out of the arch).
Treatment: These problems usually respond to conservative
treatment with orthotic supports. Sometimes cortisone injections
are administered. Occasionally surgery is necessary.
Definition: Joint pain, inflammation and deteriorization
as well as foot deformity can be caused by many types of arthritis.
Cause: Each type of arthritis attacks the joints
in a different way and at different locations. Osteoarthritis
usually attacks the great toe joint and midfoot joints of the
arch. Rheumatoid arthritis attacks the joints across the ball
of the foot, often causing dislocations. Psoriasis can attack
the joints of the ball of the foot as well as within the toes.
Gout usually attacks the Great toe joint, but can be seen in
other joints as well.
Treatment: The good news is that almost all of
the conditions can be relieved or improved upon. Treatment may
involve medications, surgery, or orthotic supports that are worn
inside the shoes. Obtaining relief of painful arthritic conditions
is particularly gratifying for both the doctor and the patient.
Nail Fungus
Definition: This is an infection of the nail plate
by a fungus, the same types that cause athlete's foot. This is
seen when the nail becomes thick, discolored and sometimes flaky.
Cause: The nail plate is not alive and is susceptible
to infections. In fact, it is normal for people to get a fungal
infection after age 60. Some patients are at greater risk particularly
diabetics, immunosuppressed individuals and people who live or
work in moist environments.
Treatment: Most over-the-counter medications found
at stores are not effective. Nail fungus can be treated with
oral or topical medications. The oral medications are the most
successful and are generally quite safe, though it is necessary
to inquire about the medical history and perform liver function
tests during the course of the medication. Topical medications
can be effective and minimize side effects.
Athlete's Foot
Definition: This is a fungal infection of the
skin, causing either inflammation, blisters, flaking, redness,
oozing and/or itching.
Cause: Fungus is everywhere and can be acquired
by anyone, infecting the skin of the feet. Some of the people
are more susceptible including diabetics, individuals whose feet
perspire more, and those who work in greenhouses or are from
moist environments.
Treatment: Most athlete's feet infections will
respond to the over-the-counter medicated powders and creams.
The more severe infections will be treated with prescription
Sports Injuries
There are many kinds of sports
related injuries, some more prevalent due to the stresses of
specific sports. Many injuries are caused by faulty foot structure
and function and aggravated by improper shoes.
Treatment: The goal when treating athletes is to get them
safely back to participating in their sports as soon as possible.
If the condition is severe enough that they cannot participate
in their sport for a period of time, an alternative exercise
can usually be found to allow the athlete to stay in shape during
the rehabilitation period. Once the painful condition has resolved,
steps must be taken to prevent recurrence. If poor foot structure
or function is to blame, we can often correct this with a support
worn in the shoe. We offer both experience an d the latest technology
in the fabrication of orthotic support.
information should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health
problem or disease or prescribing any medication. Visit a health
care professional to proceed with any treatment for a health
problem. |
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